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Events, news, advice and
much more


March 2020

Why bra fitting matters?

Talking to well-known women's health physiotherapist, Michelle Lyons, PostureFitting founder Siobhán O'Donovan explains how you know if you're wearing the wrong bra and why it matters.


September 2020

GALS against GRAVITY workshop online dates 2021

Our GALS against GRAVITY workshop continues to attract worldwide attention.


Providing 7 CPD hours, over 1 day or spread over 2 days or 3 evenings, the workshop includes an optional virtual bra-fit, so you can truly empathise with the "wow" expressed by patients when they have a PostureFitting.


March 2020

Meet our Founder

Siobhán O'Donovan started her professional life as a PE teacher, where she noticed first-hand the poor postural and movement habits of children and teenagers.


This is where her passion for posture and movement started, motivating her to change her career path.

PostureFitting CPPP.png

March 2020 updated

Presenting at the Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practice conference

Our founder Siobhán will be speaking at the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists CPPP Annual Conference about the influence of breasts & bra fitting on women's wellbeing. 


The 2020 conference, originally due to take place in March 2020, has been postponed to 2021. 


September 2020 updated

Part of the POGP Menopause Management Study Day 

Positive Pause pivoted their  first ever CPD study day 'Menopause Management' on behalf of the POGP to an online e-learning course.


We were delighted to contribute to this course by providing information on PostureFitting and its positive effects on the wellbeing of women and female physios alike. 


December 2020

The All about the Fit Infographic 

We were delighted to see Dr Nicola Brown's presentation on breast weight at the CSP conference (VPUK) in September 2020, which she described to Siobhan as a "whistlestop tour" of all the issues. This in turn inspired the development of our infographic, to provide a snapshot of the negative effects breast weight can have on women, counterbalanced by the positive effects of optimal fit .

More news and updates coming soon

For women of all ages and life stages

Our services


Posture management with bra fitting at its core, PostureFitting uplifts the way women, feel, move, look.

Become a PostureFitting
Physio Partner

Broaden your practice offer


 This preventive physiotherapy system delivers measurable commercial opportunities in terms of both income and referrals.

Book your PostureFitting consultation

Tailored to you


Experience PostureFitting - see how you can feel, move, look better every day. 

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against GRAVITY

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